A common cause is an insufficient power supply. This has been discussed on the 
Soekris technical mailing list many times.

On Tuesday 23 August 2005 10:04 am, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > My OpenBSD 3.7 running on a Soekris net4511 reboots with no obvious
> > reason. I've started monitoring the memory usage, load average and pf
> > states, but these do not seem to be related to the problem.
> >
> > I'm also using the hardware watchdog which I will disable to see if it
> > is involved in the problem, but everything has been working well for
> > more than two months with it before.
> If the couple of thousand soekris machines of various developers and
> users started rebooting just like that, we would have heard of it by
> now.
> Very hard to diagnose when one rare one somewhere, without *any debugging
> information* does so.

John R. Shannon

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