On boot up of snapshot macppc, 'dhclient url0' from /etc/netstart, fails
to get an assigned ip address, No DHCPOFFERS received.

Manual running of /etc/netstart after boot, results in an ip address.

# ifconfig url0 down

Aug 26 21:56:29 localhost dhclient[21371]: buf_read (connection closed):
Undefined error: 0
Aug 26 21:56:29 localhost dhclient[21371]: exiting.

However, running snapshots i386 with url0, on boot up, we receive a
DHCPACK and an ip address.

# ifconfig url0 down

Aug 26 21:56:29 foo dhclient[15852]: buf_read (connection closed):
No such file or directory
Aug 26 21:56:29 foo dhclient[15852]: exiting.

It appears to be related to man (4) url, for macppc. On snapshot macppc,
gem0 and axe0 receive a DHCPACK on boot but url0 does not. On snapshot
i386, em0, axe0 and url0 receive a DHCPACK on boot.

On 3.7 macppc, 'dhclient url0' from /etc/netstart behaves ok on boot up.


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