Hello Group,
I've seen a lot of emails about wireless... and now I'm adding to it
:-).  I've got a WAP running OpenBSD 3.7 configured as follows:

# cat

!/sbin/wicontrol \$if -f 11 -x 1 -E 3
inet NONE nwid mywap \
        nwkey secretpass mediaopt hostap

I've already got my linux laptop working with this AP, and tonight I
went out and got a card for my OpenBSD laptop :-).  I'm able to see the
WAP when I wicontrol -L.  Am I correct to assume that this means the
card (Belkin F5D7010) is properly supported?  I've tried the following
to configure the card and I am still not able to ping the WAP:

ifconfig ral0 netmask nwid mywap chan 11
nwkey secretpass

Then on the WAP I check the associated stations wicontrol -l :

# wicontrol -l          
2 stations:
00:11:50:15:4e:29  asid=01b0, flags=3<AUTH,ASSOC>, caps=11<ESS,PRIVACY>,
00:0e:35:eb:c8:8f  asid=00d0, flags=3<AUTH,ASSOC>, caps=11<ESS,PRIVACY>,
rates=f<1M,2M,5.5M,11M>, sig=33/7

The top one 00:11:50:15:4e:29 is the OpenBSD laptop... it looks
connected to me, but I noticed it doesn't have the sig=33/7 message. 
Can anyone offer me some advice?  Thanks again,

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