Am Sonntag, 25. September 2005 04:40 schrieben Sie:

Hi Chris,

> An error occurred while loading
> The process for the protocol died unexpectedly.

Nope, I cannot confirm this. Works for me.

> At first, I thought it was simply a konqueror icompatability with the
> specific website, but I soon found out this happened on all https
> sites.  After poking around, I went to settings:configure konqueror,
> then I clicked on "Crypto".  When I did that, the konqueror configurator
> (or whatever you call the window that let's you configure konqueror)
> crashed out entirely -- no errors.

That works, too.

> Interestingly enough, when I run Konqueror as root, this does not
> happen.  Therefore, somehow, this must be a permissions error -- but
> since there is no error output, I have no idea where to look.

Yep, try to raise your ulimits. KDE is kind of resource hungry. I run it with 
an account that's in the staff login class. You might want to try that. It 
would also be nice, if you tell us, which version of OpenBSD and KDE you are 


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