hmm, on Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 05:25:11PM -0300, Pedro Martelletto said that
> bugs@ is the right place to go, preferably with a (filled) formal PR
> like the ones sendbug(1) generates for you. Having two separate lists is
> the only way we have to differentiate between the usual amount of
> discussions that this list is meant for, and punctual bug reports that
> could be worked on.

i know very well how to report bugs thank you very much.
been on the list for quite some time now.  to use your car
repairsman example: do you expect me to wreck my car AGAIN
so just i can report you what went wrong?  i am sorry but
my files are not rabbits to conduct experiments on.

this is the biggest problem with file system bug reports.
i don't have 40 systems lying around like Theo does.

regarding my other issues, because you had the courtesy
of lecturing me, let me sink that low and ask you:
have you searched the archives?

look, i am really not a rude person.  not at all.  and being
an openbsd otaku since 2.6 i have never sunk that low
as to rant about openbsd.  this is the system of my choice
since 2.6 and i help when i can.

and i know how it goes around here, because i am not willing
to/and simply can't sacrifice my files perhaps the dev's will
tell me to piss off w/o a proper bug report.  suits me fine,
what could they do?  sacrifice _their_ files?

i am sorry to see that solid fat32 support is just not
a priority for openbsd.  i can understand that, i don't
imagine Theo has a dual boot fat32 shared partition on
any of his machines.

in any case, i expect the devs to do the same they always do
with an underperforming subsystem: disable until fixed.
that's the openbsd way.

ps. and it's really a _shame_ that i can access my openbsd
partition without a hiccup even from xp.
heart paining shame.
the smallest handcuff in the world is a wedding ring.

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