hmm, on Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 11:30:50AM -0700, Spruell, Darren-Perot said that
> No it isn't. Consider the number of people that actually *use* the
> antiquated piece of garbage file system. Now compare that to those using
> OpenBSD. Probably a small portion, no?

consider the number of people who are trying hard to make
openbsd also a desktop system so we don't have to install
linux or some such thingy just to access the goddamn primitive
fat partition.  cause guess what: i don't care about vfat
on my firewalls.

> Want it fixed? Submit patches. Use your wide array of "reference
> implementations" to fix it, since it's such a hot item on your plate.
> > forgive me my bitterness.  i am mourning my lost files.
> And consequently whining like a little bitch. Ever heard of backups?

oh, send patches says the man whose name turns up 0 bug reports
in gnats.  but as i look at your posts, you are more of the
philospher type, aren't you?

sorry, you are not on my list of people who have the right
to say "send patches".  who are you anyway?  where are _your_ patches?

i say it again so you can get it into your head:
i cannot send a patch (yeah i am a loser) but if it
doesnt work realiable TURN IT OFF just as aac(4) is a goner.

your post contributed exactly nill to this discussion.
just as this one, unfortunately.  what a day.

ps. at least you could use a mail client which can reply to threads.
courage is fear that has said its prayers.

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