Chris wrote:
> Hello
> I want to setup a OBSD box for my email server.  It will service
> probably about 2 dozen people, but It could conceivably double or more
> over the next year or two.
> I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for an mta, and for a
> webmail program that is easy to use and fully featured for users who are
> not so computer savvy.
> I am pretty comfortable with Sendmail, but I hear a lot of people are
> moving more toward postfix (which I know nothing about).
> I am at a loss for a good web interface.
> Anyone care to make any recommendations?

this comes up regularly, archives are your friend here.

One that I worked with a while back and kinda like for some reasons is
OpenWebMail.  The big plus was that it worked with sendmail directly --
didn't need to learn a new mail system.  A few OpenWebMail notes:

1) Put the user's home directories in the /var partition.  This way, the
quota stuff works properly.  The program stores everything in mbox
files, the inbox is the user's /var/mail/<username> file, their mail
folders are in the home directory.  OpenWebMail only looks at one of the
two to figure how much space the user has the users run out of
space "but I still have 70% free!".

2) Not too processor intensive, but memory hungry.  Having 24 students
changing their PWs at the same time caused the machine to burn through
256M RAM and 300M of swap really, really quickly.  I ended up adding
something like an additional 600M swap-to-file, and since then, the
PII-450 has been doing Just Fine.  Curiously, the memory was only an
issue when the teacher had all the students change their PWs at the same
time -- after that, it never seemed to be an issue again.  Performance
wasn't even that horrible while that was going on.

3) Users seemed to find it pretty usable.  Not exactly loaded with
features, but works.

4) Don't even try to chroot it.

5) /var is mounted noexec and nosuid by default...this will really
irritate you when you forget that it is running out of /var...

6) The port may have some permissions issues.  I figured it out, but
didn't have time to do it again and take notes this time to help get it

Definitely an app with quirks...but if you are comfy with sendmail now
and don't want to spend a lot of time learning a new mail handler, this
might be worth a look-at.


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