On Apr 17 22:07:13, Rodrigo Mosconi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interested on some benchmarks, specially with network/PF.
> For example:
> What's the maximum bandwidth that a soekris (or alix) can handle safely as a
> firewall? (with and without ipsec, how long the rule set are)
> Peter Hallin exposed a configuration that can handle near a 1Gbps on bridge
> mode.  Peter, how much traffic your new firewall handle?
> On the branded servers (Dell, HP, IBM, etc), how best traffic one firewall
> can handle?
> These are some questions.
> Some of these information can help me to advocate OpenBSD based solution at
> work, starting with firewall.  Just as comment, some linuxes (argh) fw can't
> handle as much as 100Mbps on Dells (R200 or R400).

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