2011/4/18 Richard Toohey <richardtoo...@paradise.net.nz>:
> On 18/04/2011, at 1:07 PM, Rodrigo Mosconi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm interested on some benchmarks, specially with network/PF.
> On the general performance:
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/perf.html
>> For example:
>> What's the maximum bandwidth that a soekris (or alix) can handle safely as
>> firewall? (with and without ipsec, how long the rule set are)
> Why limit yourself to (low-end) machines?  Budget constraints?  Space
constraints?  Or it might to cool to play with these devices?  (I thought so
too, but in the end easier to whack in an old Dell Optiplex - as is often
recommended on this list.)
Space and noise constriants.  Also can be cool to play with one ^^.

>> Peter Hallin exposed a configuration that can handle near a 1Gbps on
>> mode.  Peter, how much traffic your new firewall handle?
>> On the branded servers (Dell, HP, IBM, etc), how best traffic one firewall
>> can handle?
> Which goes fastest?  Ford or Holden?
> What NICs are in those machines?
At work (a IDC), we use Dell Rxx series.  But its stuck, I think the
problems are the broadcom NICs

Also some customers have 200MBps or more bandwidth hired.  And next, a
new one (contract already signed), will use more than 1 GBps
>> These are some questions.
> What does "traffic" mean?  Is your traffic the same as mine?
I will avoid to use this word...
>> Some of these information can help me to advocate OpenBSD based solution
>> work, starting with firewall.  Just as comment, some linuxes (argh) fw
>> handle as much as 100Mbps on Dells (R200 or R400).
> pf is fast enough for me at my work.
> It might not be fast enough for you at your work.
I agree
> What are your requirements?
The biggest goal: A gigabit+ capable firewall

>> Thanks for any comments,
> Probably not what you were after, but that's the repeated advice I see
around here - only YOU can answer this question.
I know, I just want some comments and advices and opinions.

> And don't forget to read this (and buy the book)
> http://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/en/
I already bought the book, I liked

>> Mosconi

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