On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been using the very helpful notes at
> http://www.eclectica.ca/howto/openbsd-software-raid-howto.php, which
> works, but does document needing to build a new kernel to enable
> software RAID. (I included GENERIC.MP in my GENERIC.MPRAID
> configuration: it's a multi-core machine.) But I had a fascinating
> chat with another engineer, who I suspect has worked more with OpenBSD
> than I have, who is very surprised at this requirement. He pointed out
> that GENERIC is normally the "kitchen sink" kernel, with everything
> possible enabled.
> I've checked the source, and I see where the RAID is disabled in the
> GENERIC kernel, but would like to know why. Is there a significant
> performance or reliability risk with that feature enabled? I've not
> found anything in the archives that explains this, although it's
> *awfully* hard to find useful information with such generic keywords
> as "software RAID".....

The one of the many benefits of OpenBSD is its superb documentation
especially when comparing with lack of that in Linux and other systems
which tries to supply that by posts around Internet which are outdated
and mostly wrong.

So see http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#RAID

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