On 05/05/11 03:50, Olivier Cherrier wrote:
> BTW, I setup a server with ALTROOT feature. After 3 months, the root
> disk (where / lives) partially broke and the daily job screw up my
> /dev/r$rootbak with the dd(1) command ... 

Welcome to the world of RAID.

I suspect your intent on posting was "hey, altroot ain't so cool, look,
it can fail!", but your REAL lesson should be, "be ready with a backup,
RAID won't always save you".  If you haven't seen similar failure mode
in HW or SW "true" RAID, you have a few choices:  1: consider yourself
lucky, 2: wait for it, 3: die soon (I suggest hoping for option 1, plan
for option 2).

One example: drive failed on machine.  Replace drive.  Remirror (in HW
RAID) fails with message of something like "failure rebuilding new
disk".  Replace new disk, try again, same error.  Repeat a few more
times, until finally realizing the REAL problem was the remaining disk
had an unreadable section on it, and THAT caused the remirror failure.
At least you quickly understood what happened, we lost a couple evenings
working on that one.


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