Gilles Chehade <gilles () poolp ! org> scrivere:
> Care to do some testing now that envelope expansion code has been
> updated ?

Hi Gilles, I've used the snapshot from 20th May:
4.9 GENERIC#76 i386

Everything looks great.

A simple smtpd.conf:
listen on if0
map "aliases" { source plain "/etc/mail/aliases" }
accept from all for my.domain alias aliases deliver to mbox

Aliases file:

Mail to test@my.domain and root@my.domain work.

Mail to before@ and after@ also work and end up in roots mbox:

The logs look great.

I have a web server with a few clients ... and no SLA ...
I'll update that soon and use them as lab rats. :]

Thank you.

> Gilles

Best wishes.

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