On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 05:22:16PM -0500, Mark Felder wrote:

> Honestly, the thought that this can easily affect other people with
> lots of network statements in OSPF is pretty scary, and the thought
> of running -current is equally scary.

You do not need to run current.

If a problem is found, and fixed, you can use cvs to see what
they did to fix it, get a diff and apply it to your stable
release. It might require a little work on your part but
you're supposed to know how to do those things I guess :-)

This is what open source and access to sources is all about.

In the proprietary world, you buy a product. And you do not
get access to sources. You do not get a view to what their
developpers are doing, daily, to their sources. And if you
have a problem, you have to wait. Wait for a patch, or be told
you need a new release (that will include a price, too, for
something that obviously is a bug and should be fixed for
free since it's not an improvement but a bug fix).

Those people are working for free. They give you a free
product, with no license cost nor cost except download
time, you're not even forced to buy a CD. They not only
offer you a free product, they give you the right to do
anything with it. Even make a closed product from it,
or do changes you keep for yourself.

Not only it's free in getting is, using it, but they
also give you a free access to the current sources,
and you can daily see what they do change. And you are
also able to get a diff for free for anything they do,
and apply it or do whatever you want with it.

What more do you want ? One of them to take a plane,
come to your company for free, and work there all day
and night until the problem is fixed ?

Seriously ?

And why didn't you come to us in the mailing list
with a patch for the problem ?

You are not running current and don't want to run current ?
Grab the changes from the CVS and backport them to 4.9-stable.
Then, give us the patch so everyone like you using stable
can have the fix without moving to current.

This is what you should have done : give us a patch for
stable if that's what matters to you.

What we wait from you now, is that patch.

And I guess the project developers are waiting for
something else : apologies.

(why do you put theo in Cc ? he does read the list,
you realize you are sending him twice your message ?)

Gilbert Fernandes

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