On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:40 AM, L. V. Lammert <l...@omnitec.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:
>> > [error] (35)Resource temporarily unavailable: fork: Unable to fork new
>> Isn't running 4.3 kinda cranky?
> Only in the past six months - pretty much bulletproof for many years.
>> $SEARCH_ENGINE "$your_error_message"
>> gives, for example, this result:
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/misc@openbsd.org/msg36388.html
> Unfortunatley, that isn't the issue. It has run fine with max_clients set
> at 150; when this started happening, I ran it down to 64.
>> All the others results lead to the same conclusion: your httpd process has
>> reached its resources limits. Either your problem is due to the use of
>> sudo apachectl (use /etc/rc.d/httpd), or you'll have to give httpd more
>> by tweaking login.conf.
> It isn't a resource problem, however, ..
> B  B  B  B :datasize=infinity:\
> B  B  B  B :maxproc=infinity:\
> B  B  B  B :openfiles-cur=128:\
> B  B  B  B :stacksize-cur=8M:\
> *Something* seems to be breaking, causing Apache to 'think' it's out of
> resources.

Eg. for amd64 limit of ~4000 processes was resolved only before couple
of months/weeks (not sure about correct time). A LOT of improvements
from 4.3 times regarding performance and speed of system so you will
be better to try upgrade first and see if problems are still in place.

> B  B  B  B Lee

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