It's for a gateway with one external address on the outside interface
and an internal network on the inside, with servers on the internal
network that need to receive load balanced traffic.

So the aim is to have a carp0 on the outside between two systems. One
carp1 on the inside between the same two systems. Each system has one
carpdev interface for each carp pseudo-if.

Right now it only does NAT between the external and the internal
networks, but I was hoping to use rdr-to with a table of server ip's
and the round-robin method to distribute out traffic to them. Unless
you see an issue with this setup?

2011/10/9 Johan Ryberg <>:
> 2011/10/9 Stefan Midjich <>:
>> I assume you mean balancing? I wanted to go for balancing ip but
>> that's only because I read about it in the carp(4) manual, now I think
>> I'll go with just vhid carpdev and pass set to see if I can get the
>> load balancing working with just one ip-address on the carp interface,
>> first and foremost.
> No, you wrote that you where aiming to load balancing and I just
> wonder what your goal was =)
> Do you have web servers that need load balancing or do you want to use
> torrents on one internet connection and other protocols on another or
> do you just want round robin on all outgoing traffic (probably not).
> // Johan


Med vdnliga hdlsningar / With kind regards

Stefan Midjich

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