I happen to be one of the end users of OpenBSD and read this (and the other
related) list and I have not seen much in the way of the behavior you are
describing. Granted, Theo has his preferred methods when it comes to
developing and reviewing code for the OS and utilities.

The only response I have seen Theo give to a question or request outside his
area of expertise is "not supported". This leaves the person asking the
question (or developing a project)but one option: attempt it themselves.
now, as for bug reports, there are number of recommended tools. there is also
a recommended format for the reports. depending on the project, the devs might
recommend a particular tool and it is usually a good idea to follow those
recommendations (cuts down on confusing the devs and others participating in
the project in question).

there you have from an end user: the right tools for the right job. believe
me, I have had to learn this lesson THE HARD WAY.


On Oct 13, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:

>> Jeremie Courreges-Anglas response/behaviour is one typical thing what
>> totally drains our (users) engagement. We hardly not dare to write a
>> single line because there is a little but disturbing kind of people
>> that destroys for all others. One little suggestion, hint or anything
>> that's unorthodox in the spirit of OpenBSD and you get bashed and put
>> in the corner of shame.
> some little details:
> 1) yes, I'm that kind of crappy user that doesn't test any diff and doesn't
>   help the OpenBSD community to grow further. blah
> 2) yes, I do like using git (why? not sure...trends?) ; would I prefer the
>   OpenBSD devs to use it? No. I prefer the OpenBSD "team" to use tools that
>   are under control instead of a shitty js-full web interface such as
>   github's (please don't try to learn me that one's not forced to use
>   github's web interface, I really don't care).
> 3) if you want to send a diff, you can do it, and it doesn't take much
>   Just do it: you won't know about it, but I'll feel better taking a look
>   at your diff than reading you whining about "why doesn't foo use
> 4) i'm not afraid to get bashed if I say crap / if I provide a wrong diff.

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