Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
>I use this:
>send dhcp-lease-time 3600;
>request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers;
>And my resolv.conf is not modified.

That's because you happen to be using a DHCP server that has good
enough manners not to try to shove unrequested options (like name
servers) down your machine's throat.  My experience is that there are
in fact quite a few DHCP servers out there which are not so well
behaved.  Then dhclient-script will happily mess with your resolv.conf
even though your dhclient.conf never asked the DHCP server for
anything related to DNS servers.  See for my complete
opinion on the matter...

Rogier Krieger wrote:
>I do not see why you prefer editing resolv.conf over dhclient.conf,
>though, but I trust you have your reasons.

See the link above.  It "leads to the duplication of information
between /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/resolv.conf.tail, and /etc/dhclient.conf,
and thus has the feel of curing the /etc/resolv.conf symptom instead
of curing the dhclient-script disease :-)" In short, "supersede" and
resolv.conf.tail work but they are aesthetically unpleasing, IMHO (I'm
not speaking for the original poster, who might have a different


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