On 2011-11-15 20.55, Raymond Lillard wrote:
> On 11/14/2011 06:28 AM, James J. Lippard wrote:
>> That is, my spamd.conf now looks like this:
>> uatraps:\
>>          :black:\
>>          :msg="Your address %A has sent mail to a ualberta.ca spamtrap\n\
>>          within the last 24 hours":\
>>          :method=file:\
>>          :file=/etc/mail/traplist.gz:
> I question the wisdom of identifying the source of
> your trapping info.  It outs ualberta.ca as a trap.

No, it doesn't. It might out University of Alberta as an organization
that fights spam but there is nothing that says that the *domain*
ualberta.ca itself contains any of the spam trap addresses.

> Spammers who actually read (I know most don't) reply
> messages will know to black list ualberta.  Those
> with infected machines who somehow might get see the
> message need only know their machine is compromised.

Spammers usually never get to see those messages, as they operate
through compromised mail servers or pc:s and most likely use fake
From: addresses anyway.

> Knowing who trapped their spam does not enable the
> owner of the compromised machine to do any thing
> they wouldn't do anyhow.  The still need to clean
> up their machine.

They won't get the messages either...


internetlabbet.se     / work:   +46 8 551 124 80      / "Words must
Benny Lofgren        /  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90     /   be weighed,
                    /   fax:    +46 8 551 124 89    /    not counted."
                   /    email:  benny -at- internetlabbet.se

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