
> De : Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk>
> Split your config in
half, choose the half you think is most likely to
> cause the problem and diff
that half back to defaults and compile.

Just to ack what Kevin says. You're
trying to add and remove too many different things at once.
First take the
Generic kernel and add the driver that you wanted, compile. Then remove
unecessary drivers from one type of hardware (for example soundcards),
compile, repeat the process with other drivers (joysticks, scanners...). Make
sure that you backup all working config files and restart from the last config
that worked.
The other way is to do like you did, add and remove options from
the Generic kernel (keep a copy of it) but it requires the ability to
understand the output when the compilation fails.
Also if you understood what
Vitali wrote, it should be quite straight forward to remove options in the
kernel and then be able to compile it smoothly.

I used to run a Custom kernel
and removed as many options as I could but when something went wrong (in most
cases I wanted to install a new software) I always wondered if that was due to
my kernel, so each time I had to reboot on Generic and restarted to
troubleshoot from there. Now I just find it more convenient to run Generic
since I don't have specific requirements.

However, I think that it's not a
reason to say "don't compile a Custom kernel" (this is not a troll). It's part
of a "general OpenBSD knowledge" to be able to build a Custom kernel. And this
is different from "I've built a Custom kernel, it compiled fine, but the
system acts funny/wrong sometimes".

Have a nice day

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