On 01/11/12 14:24, Barry Grumbine wrote:
>> Bite the bullet, upgrade, life is better at 5.0
> ...knew I forgot something.
> There aren't many North American mirrors that go back to 4.2.  I was
> fortunate to find "obsd.cec.mtu.edu" which Nick Holland recently
> notified us that he needs to take down very soon.


I opted to archive old versions of OpenBSD for historical interest...
When did we get Mozilla ported?  What platforms were supported back in
the 2.5 days?  What was it like to install OpenBSD 2.0 on a 386 system?
 Etc. It's FUN.  And, storage is cheap; for something like $500US
several years ago, I was able to add 1.5G of redundant storage to
obsd.cec.mtu.edu, and that allowed me to make a comprehensive archive
available, and being it was my money and my interest, I did. :)  Same
reason I collect 80+ year old calculating devices and 40 year old
calculators...but this, I can easily share with others.

It was certainly never intended to be USED for production.  It bothers
me that people may have been using my archive to avoid upgrading
('specially since I write the upgrade guides!).

(for anyone tempted to snarf down all my old archival versions of
OpenBSD before the final shut down of obsd.cec.mtu.edu, don't worry, I
believe I'll be able to get all the hardware (20U worth! loaded with
data) back, so the data won't be vanishing into thin air.  And, I don't
believe it is the only copy left on the 'net.)

I've removed everything from 4.8 and before from the "easily spotted"
space on the mirror, so it is now only available in a directory clearly
marked "archive".


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