Replying to myself,

On Feb 09 13:16:10, Jan Stary wrote:
> Also, specifying 'cvs -d mirror' explicitly should get rid of this
> problem then (right?), and speed things up, which it doesn't.

it does; see below.

> Or is the slowdown possibly due to the sheer *number* of CVS/Root
> files that are consulted? Would that be remedied by cvs -d too?

> Actually, cvs(1) says:
>   -d CVS_root_directory
>         Use CVS_root_directory as the root directory pathname of
>         the master source repository.  Overrides the setting of the
>         CVSROOT environment variable.  This value should be specified
>         as an absolute pathname.
>    CVS/Root
>          Pathname to the repository ( CVSROOT ) location at the
>          time of checkout.  This file is used instead of the CVSROOT
>          environment variable if the environment variable is not
>          set.  A warning message will be issued when the contents
>          of this file and the CVSROOT environment variable differ.
>          The file may be over- ridden by the presence of the
>          CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT environment variable.
> It doesn't state explicitly whether 'cvs -d'
> makes the CVS/Root files ignored. Does it?

I think it does: I tested with ktrace.

Without the explicit -d cvsroot, the kdump of 'ktrace cvs -q up -Pd'
contains a lot of sequences like this (ommiting sigprocmask and mprotect):

27461 cvs      CALL  stat(0x8a0af780,0xcfbf3da8)
27461 cvs      NAMI  "CVS"
27461 cvs      STRU  struct stat {dev=1028, ino=27355, mode=drwxr-xr-x , 
nlink=2, uid=0, gid=0, rdev=117141, atime=1313508893, 
stime=1328714573.403561510, ctime=1328714573.403561510, size=512, blocks=4, 
blksize=16384, flags=0x0, gen=0x7c8f81d }
27461 cvs      RET   stat 0

27461 cvs      CALL  access(0x8a0aff10,0x4<R_OK>)
27461 cvs      NAMI  "CVS/Root"
27461 cvs      RET   access 0

27461 cvs      CALL  open(0x8a0aff10,0<O_RDONLY>,<unused>0x1b6)
27461 cvs      NAMI  "CVS/Root"
27461 cvs      RET   open 3

27461 cvs      CALL  fstat(0x3,0xcfbf3cd0)
27461 cvs      STRU  struct stat {dev=1028, ino=28235, mode=-rw-r--r-- , 
nlink=1, uid=0, gid=0, rdev=113711, atime=1328714573.403561510, 
stime=1328714573.403561510, ctime=1328714573.403561510, size=21, blocks=4, 
blksize=16384, flags=0x0, gen=0xbde86d5b }
27461 cvs      RET   fstat 0

27461 cvs      CALL  read(0x3,0x85d34000,0x4000)
27461 cvs      GIO   fd 3 read 21 bytes
27461 cvs      RET   read 21/0x15

I haven't looked at the cvs source code, but this is
undoubtedly cvs checking if there is a readable CVS/Root,
opening it, and reading it (indeed, "/home/cvsync/openbsd"
is my locally cvsync'd cvsroot).

Now, with the explicit cvs -d cvsroot, a kdump of
'ktrace cvs -q -d /home/cvsync/openbsd up -Pd' says

3670 cvs      CALL  access(0x3c00f315,0<F_OK>)
3670 cvs      NAMI  "CVS/Root"
3670 cvs      RET   access 0

which is just a check whether the file exists.
It is never opened, read from, or written to.

So it seems that 'cvs -d mirror up -d' creates the CVS/Root file
(and writes mirror into it) if the file doesn't exist; if it does
exist, it is ignored.

> > > The exact cause of the slowdown is not known to me. But when you are
> > > switch repositories once in a while it's easy to get this case. 
> > > 
> > > I repair this by find . -name Root | xargs rm and using a explicit cvs
> > > root.
> So, using an explicit cvs root does not ignore the CVS/Root files?
> Because if it does, then the 'find | xargs rm' should make no difference,
> right?

Given the above, doing

        find . -name Root | xargs rm
        cvs -d mirror up -Pd

actually means *more* work, as it creates and writes all the CVS/Root files.
If they are left there (skip the find | xargs rm), it is only checked that
they exist and left intact -- which is less work, right?

(Then again, I am just reading a kdump. I don't know what CVS really does.)

Here are the "tests" I did on /usr/src, in the simplest case
of having a local cvsroot, uniform for all files in the tree:

With the CVS/Root files present, all containing "/home/cvsync/openbsd":

time cvs -q up -Pd
        4m44.15s real     0m4.64s user     0m8.49s system
        4m43.67s real     0m4.25s user     0m8.84s system
        4m11.57s real     0m4.36s user     0m8.77s system
        4m20.84s real     0m4.55s user     0m8.46s system
        4m24.09s real     0m4.43s user     0m8.82s system
        4m52.91s real     0m4.32s user     0m8.40s system
        4m42.52s real     0m4.53s user     0m8.36s system
        4m33.40s real     0m4.64s user     0m8.35s system
        4m55.80s real     0m4.43s user     0m8.51s system

time cvs -q -d /home/cvsync/openbsd up -Pd
        4m24.48s real     0m4.28s user     0m8.35s system
        4m21.63s real     0m4.27s user     0m8.43s system
        4m14.73s real     0m4.44s user     0m8.43s system
        4m13.98s real     0m4.26s user     0m7.93s system
        4m17.07s real     0m4.38s user     0m7.90s system
        4m18.60s real     0m4.35s user     0m8.77s system
        3m55.10s real     0m4.09s user     0m7.97s system

(So specifying the cvsroot is a bit faster.)

Without any CVS/Root present (so 'cvs -d' is actually necessary):

{ find . -name Root | xargs rm ;
time cvs -q -d /home/cvsync/openbsd up -Pd ; }
        4m42.88s real     0m4.52s user     0m8.53s system
        4m35.68s real     0m4.74s user     0m8.43s system
        4m31.55s real     0m4.69s user     0m7.97s system
        4m29.73s real     0m4.79s user     0m8.23s system
        4m58.93s real     0m4.67s user     0m8.68s system
        4m38.06s real     0m4.05s user     0m8.47s system

(So removing the CVS/Root files first only makes it a bit slower
for me when using 'cvs -d'; possibly because it has to create
and write all the CVS/Root files, see above.)

Note that my cvs root is local, and is uniform for all the files.
Also, I am not cvsyncing my local cvsroot during this (obviously).
So the above cvs up's don't actually do nothing to the tree. Which
I believe is a good thing, for the purpose of testing this.

It only occured to me now that if I did an 'umount && mount'
in between the runs, I could also eliminate the FS caching
that probably influences these (naive) tests.

Things might change if (1) the cvsroot is remote (2) it is not
the same for all files. I will try that next.


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