
I've updated to the latest snapshot (dated 25.03.) via Swedish
EU-mirror. Here's updated data in the case of need:


On 26 March 2012 10:28, Ville Valkonen <weezeld...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you need more info please let me know since I have the similar
> machine with acpiec errors. Here's discussion (and data) that I've had
> before: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=132835596005571&w=2 . CPU
> related "unknown model" messages are obsolete since @jsg provided a
> patch and it's applied to upstream nowadays. I will update the data to
> correspond the present situation when I get home from the work.
> Sincerely,
> Ville
> On 26 March 2012 03:14, Jay Hart <jh...@kevla.org> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012, Jay Hart wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012, Jay Hart wrote:
>>>>>> 1. Unless I disable acpi (see dmesg), box freezes at 'acpiec0 at
>>>>> What about just disabling acpiec?
>>>> You're a GENIUS, that was it!!!!! B ;')
>>>> How do I make that stick reboot to reboot? B Assume I need to compile
>>>> kernel?
>>> That's not a long term solution, I was curious to narrow down the
>>> problem. B The acpiec driver is kinda important, so running without it
>>> is not a happy ending. B Can you post the new dmesg? B Also, have a copy
>>> of acpidump available (that's too big to mail to the list right now).
>> Ted,
>> Will post a new dmesg later this evening. B How do I get a acpidump?
>> Jay

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