On Sat, 09 Jun 2012 13:51:00 +0200, jca+o...@wxcvbn.org (Jérémie
Courrèges-Anglas) wrote:
> Kostas Zorbadelos <kzo...@otenet.gr> writes:
>> Hello all,
> Hi
>> there is a need to restrict a specific type of DNS queries (ANY queries)
>> in our nameservers. We faced a DDoS attack in our resolvers and the
>> thing is that we could not simply cut access to DNS resolution to
>> specific client IPs, the queries came from our own unsuspecting
>> customers.
> So you run resolvers for your clients.  I will assume you're an ISP.
> In that case, you should be checking that the DNS queries that seem to
> come from your clients *actually* come from your clients, not out of
> nowhere, from spoofed IPs.  This could be done very easily with PF, *if*
> your current architecture allows it (if you have a way to distinguish
> network flow coming from your clients from spoofed requests coming from
> the Internet).
Does it affect cashing name server only or the one with zones to i know its
stupid question because the authoritative server have to be open for all to
redistribute domain ( or not for example we do not want some regions to
access our domain ?)

> Of course, if you're not an ISP, then forget what I said.
>> The situation is similar but not the same as the one discribed here:
>> https://isc.sans.edu/diary.html?storyid=13261
> Indeed, that involves authoritative nameservers flooded with requests
> that can come from anywhere.
> [...]
> --
> Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas
> GPG fingerprint: 61DB D9A0 00A4 67CF 2A90 8961 6191 8FBF 06A1 1494

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