I could have answered lots of points that were weak or erroneous in
this thread but that would just be feeding trolls.

I see lots of "OpenBSD should..." and "I want..." types of statements.

For the benefit of absolute newbies here is a precis of the OpenBSD
raison d'etre:

OpenBSD is the product of the developers and it is made to suit their
If it then suits non-developers to use it, it is freely available
People who like it and want it to continue as a viable entity are
encouraged to donate to the project.
Donors do NOT get demand privileges.
People who find some part of OpenBSD has an irritation or deficiency
are encouraged to submit diffs. (Referred to as "If you have an itch -
scratch it" or "Shut up and hack")

Lots of "should" sayers believe that OpenBSD devs take notice of their
Many times if the devs are silent it's because they have better things
to do than troll-feeding or  using a cluebat.
Some "should-sayers" even volunteer to do stuff.
Most volunteers (not all) fade from the scene relatively quickly.

Perhaps you can take further discussion off-list.


*** NOTE *** Please DO NOT CC me. I <am> subscribed to the list.
Mail to the sender address that does not originate at the list server is 
tarpitted. The reply-to: address is provided for those who feel compelled to 
reply off list. Thankyou.

This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

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