Search the archives for the cisco nat-t problem, I sent a mail with more
details and I think there was a patch with it. Pretty sure that would have
affected older OpenBSD versions too though.

Christoph Leser <> wrote:

>On Feb 28, 2012, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>List:       openbsd-misc<>
>Subject:    Re: Router project on OpenBSD
>From:       Stuart Henderson <stu () spacehopper !
>Date:       2012-02-28
>Message-ID: slrnjkpnao.r14.stu () naiad ! spacehopper !
>[Download message
>>IPsec is mostly compatible but there's a bit of breakage if the ipsec
>>gateways are behind NAT (because Cisco still follows a very old nat-t
>>rather than the standard).
>I think I have read similar remarks about NAT-T and Cisco
>interoperability. But I have found no details about what the problem is
>with cisco.
>I completely failed when I tried to move from OBSD 4.6 to OBSD 5.2,
>because of NAT-T trouble with cisco. I described my experience in a
>message to this list 'ISAMPD NAT trouble with openBSD 5.2
>Any hints to information about interoperabilty issues with cisco ( and
>possible solutions ) would be highly welcome
>Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>Christoph Leser
>S&P Computersysteme GmbH
>Zettachring 4
>70567 Stuttgart Fasanenhof

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