On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 01:41:45PM +0100, Martijn van Duren wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > world. To do so I set up a listen on interface with tls and enable auth.
> > > This works when I try to send emails from my client to other domains,
> > > but when I try to send an email to my domain I get an recipient
> > > rejected. When doing some manual smtp testing I found out that I had to
> > > be logged in before I could do local deliveries. Is there a way to leave
> > > smtp open for local delivery and login-protected for relaying (so no
> > > different ruleset based upon ip-address)?
> > >
> ext_if = "vr0"
> hostname "domainname.nl"
> listen on lo0
> listen on $ext_if tls certificate domainname enable auth

on OpenBSD, you can use interface groups:

   listen on egress tls certificate domainname enable auth

> map aliases source db "/etc/mail/aliases.db"
> accept from all for local alias aliases deliver to mbox
> accept from all for domain domainname.nl alias aliases deliver to mbox
> accept for all relay

This sounds correct, can you provide the output of 'smtpd -dv' as you
reproduce the issue ?

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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