what hardware? my laptop machine. also, its new enough that the only serial it
has is USB (which, as far as I know, doesn't support sserial redirection). I
also have a desktop machine and its new enough not to have any classic serial
ports either. so, no redirection there either.
and since there is no way for me to actually tell when it boots, getting to a
login prompt and then redirecting the screen output is not entirely possible
without someone sitting right there to tell me whats going on.

This isn't anything like the old sparc pizza boxes where you could do this at
the outset and actually have it work the first time.

anyway, thats the rub for me. I like the OS, but this is the show stopper for


On Jul 6, 2013, at 5:49 PM, Alexander Hall wrote:

> Letting the installer redirect the console to com0 does not cut it? What
hardware are we talking about?
> /Alexander

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