On Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:56:46 -0400, John Jasen <jja...@realityfailure.org>
> Please forgive the top posting.
> If you have enough systems, can you hit the performance goals with carp
> and active load balancing?

I did think about that but these boxes will also be running OpenOSPFd and
OpenBGPd (will be our WAN edge), and so to add active-active CARP load
balancing could prove very problematic??? Anyone with any experience on BGP
and OSPF with active-active?

Cheers, andy.

> On 09/02/2013 09:53 AM, Andy wrote:
>> If only you could 'buy' more time or make days longer.. ;)
>> Because I know the OpenBSD developers are working hard on this and take
>> it very seriously, we have decided that we are going to continue to use
>> OpenBSD for these new 10G firewalls because the initial load is only
>> going to be around 500-600kpps. We are currently getting ~450kpps using
>> HP DL160's, and this hardware should be much more powerful than those.
>> And I have faith ;) that by the time our load increases MP networking
>> will be available.
>> Also I'm very willing to beta test the new ALTQ code? I was chatting to
>> Theo briefly a few weeks back and he said I should ask for the code but
>> I cannot remember who in the team he said I should message for this?
>> I'm not a coder but I'm happy to contribute as and where I can :)
>> Andy.
>> On Mon 02 Sep 2013 13:02:42 BST, Kenneth R Westerback wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 02, 2013 at 01:41:58PM +0200, Denis Fondras wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> Le 02/09/2013 13:21, Mike Belopuhov a ?crit :
>>>>> We are trying to address problems with MP networking right now,
>>>>> but due to the lack of manpower the progress is slow.
>>>> What would you need to accelerate ? Developpers, testers, time,
>>>> hardware, something else ?
>>>> Denis
>>> All of the above. If you can provide time especially I'm sure Mike
>>> be very interested in having more of it. :-)
>>> .... Ken
> -- 
> -- John Jasen (jja...@realityfailure.org)
> -- No one will sorrow for me when I die, because those who would
> -- are dead already. -- Lan Mandragoran, The Wheel of Time, New Spring

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