Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Philip Guenther <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Jeffrey Walton <> wrote:
>> ...
>>> Yeah, I should have taken a screen capture. I don't use the mail
>>> program too often (its been years since I've had to), so it was not a
>>> priority.
>> Screen capture?  In order to convey what was presumably a one line
>> error message?  If cut-n-paste won't work, might I suggest just
>> (carefully) typing it?
> Yes, I'm lazy like that. Plus it removes any ambiguity.
>> Side note: it's lost on me why you're unable to run the compiler
>> because of tangles with adduser/sudo/whatever.
> Oh, that's my own doing. I need to install wget and subversion to
> fetch the sources. Plus, I want to see how a Clang 3.3 build goes.
> (Compilers and software engineering are my business, not system
> administration).

$ su -
# pkg_add subversion llvm

That's it.  You're not into system adminstration yet you want to do
unneeded configuration when you have a precise goal.  What do you

Re wget, there is ftp(1).

That's already a lot of mails and a lot of attention for what is
a rather simple problem.  Just have a break.

jca | PGP: 0x06A11494 / 61DB D9A0 00A4 67CF 2A90  8961 6191 8FBF 06A1 1494

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