A 03.10.2013 23:37, alexey.kurin...@gmail.com escrigué:
Hi. I want to buy some single board (arm cpu) computer for installing
open bsd and run services NAT, vpn, webserver,
etc... Primary experiments for work and fun.
Hours of googling and reading. I found many deviceses, many of it's
listed there

Exist good industrial boards, but low price start for it when buying >=1k boards

My favorite:

Question is - what boards succesfully used by members of
misc@openbsd.org list? I glad to read members IMHO about used boards.

Sorry for ugly english.

+1 to Alix devices.

alix2d3 + dnma92 802.11 a/b/g/n miniPCI radio + OpenBSD = Amazing soho router !

You'll only need software in base, by the way !


Paco Esteban.
GnuPG key: 0x0E1192A4

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