On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 17:52:51 +0100, Robbert Haarman

>Dear list, especially Greg and Mickey,
>I've updated the working copy of the CCD Mirroring HOWTO. In particular, 
>I've split off the comparison to software RAID into a separate section 
>and clarified that ccd does not do automatic recovery, and I've 
>rewritten the section on labeling to state that the c partition must be 
>set to unused, and normal partitions created instead.
>Please take a look at
>http://morgenes.shire.sytes.net/~inglorion/documents/tutorials/ccd/ and
>let me know what you think about the new wording.
>The only thing you know for sure is that you never know anything for sure.

Hi Bob,

It seems you either disagree with consensus or you have no idea what the
general consensus is regarding correct documentation.

The goal of correct documentation is to transfer very detailed knowledge
to the users, system administrators and coders who _NEED_ to know the
details in order to make educated decisions.

Things like "HowTo" documents, sites like openbsdsupport.org and lists
like openbsd-newbie@ are more often than not considered garbage. The
reason is simply because you are robbing the reader of the fundamental
and important details that the reader _NEEDS_ to learn. By providing
short-cut documents to just get things working, you are sabotaging the
learning process of the reader.

The "Quick Start" section of your document is missing a lot of things,
in particular, the generally accepted way to "Quick Start" anything on

1.) Read *_ALL_* relevant man pages, completely and repeatedly until you
understand them.
2.) Search the mailing list archives for related information.
3.) Search the commit logs for any new developments and/or corrections.

The above is the "Quick Start" for doing anything with OpenBSD and yes,
it's a lot of work and takes a lot of time.

By creating incomplete, incorrect and generally dumbed-down "HowTo"
documentation, you are undermining all of the hard work that goes into
the creating and maintaining correct documentation. If end-users are
lazy and want to take the easy way out, they should go back to using
linux and MS-Windows. They are not welcome here. The same is true for
those who try to inflate their own egos by writing "HowTo" docs which
only pander to the laziness of others.

People around here have been really trying to be polite recently. The
thing that got me personally was realizing that these days there are
young kids reading these lists. None the less, don't let my politeness
fool you; I still think you are an arrogant, egotistical asshole who has
shown blatant disregard for the education and well being of others as
well as shown complete disrespect to the authors who spend their time
and effort writing correct code and documentation so people can actually
learn and do something useful.

If you really want me or anyone around here to change their mind about
you and the crap you're producing, then replace your supposed "HowTo"
with links to the relevant man pages.

If perchance this assessment of you and your work has incited you enough
to turn on your personal flame thrower, then please send me your flames
off list. It is my opinion that you have made a serious mistake by not
knowing or not understanding the generally accepted consensus about
correct documentation and regardless of your probable flames, you won't
change my mind or the minds of most long time users and contributors.


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