I'm trying to track down the code in the libasr that causes this behaviour:

Whenever I go to a IPv4 site and IPv6 query is made for domain+mydomain
like a search.  So with logging turned on, on my nameserver I get this:

pjp@americas$ grep canoe.ca.centroid.eu /var/log/all
Dec 20 17:00:37 americas wildcarddnsd[29850]: request on descriptor 17
interface "em0" from (ttl=54, region=255) for
"chealth.canoe.ca.centroid.eu." type=AAAA(28) class=1, answering "NXDOMAIN"

The problem is that my nameservers are in china and latin america and
I'M sorta worried about these leaks.  This particular log came from my
nameserver in panama and the packet passes miami.

My resolv.conf file looks like this on the workstation here in germany:

jupiter$  more /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by re0 dhclient
search centroid.eu
domain centroid.eu
lookup file bind
family inet6 inet4

The leak only happens with AAAA queries, like said.  Any hints on
tracking this down and squelching it?



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