
After upgrading from OpenBSD 5.3 to OpenBSD 5.4 I've got problems with
non-utf8 characters in mutt email client. It worked just fine until
upgrade, but after upgrade it doesn't show non-ascii characters in
subject or body if email message is non-utf8 (tried it with iso-8859-13,
windows-1257, koi8-r charsets, none of them display correctly).

In email messages that are UTF-8 encoded all characters display fine.
It seems that mutt stopped converting other charsets to utf8. I
exprience same issue on both i386 and amd64, by using xterm or
rxvt-unicode. I haven't changed anything regarding X.org or mutt

I've made sure that these files were rm'ed after upgrading to 5.4:

Any ideas what could be wrong?



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