On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 09:16:17PM -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:
> frantisek holop wrote:
> >Nick's hate against pdf clouds his reason apparently.
> >pdf is a perfect format for technical documentation and
> >papers.  go and shout at people who publish their paper
> >in .ps and .pdf .  having said that i don't agree with
> >publishing _only_ in .pdf . all the formats have their use.
> > 
> >
> I wouldn't presume to speak for Mr. Holland, of course. But I've raised 
> the pdf issue here a couple of times lately. I *don't* hate pdf. What I 
> object to is inapproriate use. Why the hell would you type out a text 
> document and then make it available as pdf only? No fancy formatting, no 
> graphics, no layout, just text. That's the kind of thing I've been 
> seeing in pdf. It's just stupid.
> The IRS making tax forms available as pdf is *perfect* usage. People 
> making papers published in print magazines available online in pdf is 
> great. Using pdf as a uber cool, k-rad mechanical typewriter is braindead.


I use the links/lynx browsers a fair bit. The OpenBSD site is great
for that.

When I do my tax return, I jump on a box with X as I expect to visit a
JavaScript, .pdf loaded site.

I reckon docs should be in acsii or html as when you're in a tight
spot working on a server rebuild, you probably wont have access to the
new world.

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