On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:29:43 -0500, Jeremy David

>There are 5 errors on the main page alone. That means that no matter how
>useful the content on the website is, the code breaks down for a lot of
>people. Standards are important. Where HTML is concerned, they're doubly so,
>because there are so many different clients (browsers) being used by so many
>different kinds of people.


I encourage you to do a bit more research before posting something like
the above. Did you really think the compliance errors were never noticed
before you pointed them out?

Yes, you are right that the site is not perfectly W3C standards
compliant. The point you missed is the overwhelming majority of clients
(browsers) are *ALSO* not compliant with the standards. The supposed
"errors" you pointed out are nothing more than work-arounds for
non-compliant browsers. Contrary to your claims, those supposed "errors"
do not "break" anything, instead they actually _FIX_ problems in buggy

Kind Regards,

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