On 11/28/05, Jonathan Glaschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 08:15:00AM -0800, J.C. Roberts wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:29:43 -0500, Jeremy David
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And that's exactly the problem.
> Creating good html code means to me to look at the stardards released by
> w3.org and then start coding. The result validates but it won't
> look the same anywhere. So, you have to fight <div>-wars and do things
> that aren't required by w3.org just to make things run.
> At that point one can see that the web is just broken. Good HTML is
> _not_ decided by browser, _not_ decided by your screen resolution, _not_
> even decided by whether you use a computer or a toaster, it's just
> platform independend html.
> So please keep things as they are, there is no better solution.

Hi. I appreciate your opinion, Jonathan, but I have to strongly
disagree. It is a point of fact that there are better solutions. I
implement better solutions all the time - solutions that work in every
browser and can be depended upon to not break in the future, or on
someone's computer that you hadn't considered, due to hacks that were
stuck in the HTML code to hastily cover up some issue with a band-aid
in the short-term.

The web is not broken just because there are some buggy clients out
there. The bugs can be worked around without releasing invalid hacks
into the wild. I do it all the time. and it's not because I'm some
computer genius. It's possible for openbsd.org to do it too.

- Jeremy

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