
Martin Braun wrote:
By easier to maintain it means "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" which
is freaking neat!

You can say what you want about Debian, but their apt system is
exceptional! Especially between versions.
it is getting a bit off-topic, but yes... I stand to that. I tinker with operating systems since a dozen of years, mostly for personal (dis)pleasure and for the fun and pride in making sure the applications I write and maintain are as cross-platform as possible.

I heart lies in NetBSD and OpenBSD, but I must say Debian is really convenient. Apt-get is exceptional indeed! What disturbs me in Debian is that after 10+ years you slowly learn the quite bad quality of what is inside the package!

However, when I compare the package contents, I see that e.g. OpenBSD has up-to-date GNUstep packages, Debian has sometimes old stuff, but with a hell of patches. Now... patches, when there is upstream?

In all operating systems you want to use beyond the basics you need apps and ports.. and the quality of those can be very variable!


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