Thanks for the precisions :).
And no problem i you laugh because of me :p
Best regards,
Loïc BLOT,
UNIX systems, security and network engineer

Le mardi 08 juillet 2014 à 11:03 +0200, Henning Brauer a écrit :
> * InterNetX - Robert Garrett <> [2014-07-08
> > Uprading pf with [dfly's] set of changes to support [dfly's] locking
> > mechanisms, is a seriously non trivial exercise.
> and 100% wasted as done.
> starting off an old, ancient, pf, which is roughly 4 times slower than
> todays (but hey, you can throw cores at it, make intel & the power
> companies even richer, increase pollution, and whatnot), and making
> sure we can never take these changes back even if we wanted to.
> how bright!

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