Am Donnerstag, den 07.08.2014, 18:51 +0530 schrieb Indunil Jayasooriya:

> Try to change the harddrive settings in BIOS.
> > They are probably defaulting to "raid"-mode, which doesn't work under
> > OpenBSD.
> >
>      i.e -  does NOT this server's Hardware Raid (Mirror) work under
> OpenBSD?   Will I have to go with Software RAID?

If it is a real[TM] RAID controller, OpenBSD won't see the separate
harddisks at all. Whether or not now the RAID controller will be
accepted as a "harddisk" by OpenBSD depends pretty much on the model
you bought. I.e. whether or not OpenBSD supports that type of

On the other hand, if you did not explicitly order a RAID controller, 
but go the colourful leaflets of you were presented by your hardware 
vendor, you probably got some "Intel Matrix RAID" or something. 
This is not really a hardware RAID, but just RAID in (Windows) driver

As the above mentioned type of "hardware RAID" is really nothing else 
than software RAID with a BIOS flag, you may as well go with standard
software RAID, which has even the advantage, that you may monitor it 
with standard OS tools.



David Dahlberg     

Fraunhofer FKIE, Dept. Communication Systems (KOM) | Tel: +49-228-9435-845
Fraunhoferstr. 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany        | Fax: +49-228-856277

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