I've finally started using spamd on a new mail server, and am seeing some results that I don't understand. (I'm also using smtpd(8) now, so this is all new software to me...)

1 - spamdb(8) shows nothing but WHITE-listed entries
2 - but spamd(8) (running with -v -G 2:4:864) logs almost every one of those "WHITE" IP addresses as either being greylisted or blacklisted.

Shouldn't those be showing up as "BLACK" in spamdb, not WHITE ?

Some, but not all, of these are making it through to smtpd, which then rejects most of those emails based on syntax errors, bad recipients, etc.

My best guess so far is that I've got the -G passtime too low, and everyone talking to me so far is really aggressive and actually retries correctly...? This server is still only a secondary MX for the domains that get hit with lots of spam, so that's actually plausible.

-Adam Thompson

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