> Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:11:23 -0500
> From: Adam Thompson <athom...@athompso.net>
> To: OpenBSD-misc list <misc@openbsd.org>
> I've finally started using spamd on a new mail server, and am seeing 
> some results that I don't understand.  (I'm also using smtpd(8) now, so 
> this is all new software to me...)

That is exciting. spamd and smtpd are excellent imho.

I recommend you continue to read the man pages until you have
a better understanding of how they work.

> 1 - spamdb(8) shows nothing but WHITE-listed entries
> 2 - but spamd(8) (running with -v -G 2:4:864) logs almost every one of 
> those "WHITE" IP addresses as either being greylisted or blacklisted.
> Shouldn't those be showing up as "BLACK" in spamdb, not WHITE ?

spamdb(8) indicates 4 different entry types.
"BLACK" is not an entry type.

> My best guess so far is that I've got the -G passtime too low, and 
> everyone talking to me so far is really aggressive and actually retries 
> correctly...?  This server is still only a secondary MX for the domains 
> that get hit with lots of spam, so that's actually plausible.

I would recommend using the default spamd values.


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