On 14-08-21 01:50 PM, Steven Roberts wrote:
I recommend you continue to read the man pages until you have
a better understanding of how they work.

I've already read them several times. The problem, as in all our man pages, is that once I know what I'm looking for, it's (usually)well documented. However, if I don't know what I'm looking for yet, they don't tell me what questions to ask - manpages don't solve second-order ignorance[1]. For that, I've been reading Peter H{ansteen,essler}'s blog entries and presentations, but of course that only produces limited results until backfilled with operational experience.

spamdb(8) indicates 4 different entry types.
"BLACK" is not an entry type.

Oops. I see that now. Then how do I see what IPs are blacklisted without becoming a human version of spamd-setup(8)?

I would recommend using the default spamd values.

Easy enough. We'll see what happens when this becomes the primary MX. Absent content filtering, I anticipate a large upswing in the amount of spam landing in my inbox...

[1] http://www-plan.cs.colorado.edu/diwan/3308-07/p17-armour.pdf

-Adam Thompson

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