On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:04:28 -0400 Alan McKay <alan.mc...@gmail.com>

> Hi folks,


> I have also found this : http://www.ualberta.ca/~antoine/clone/openbsd.html
> Also looks promising.

this seems to be helper/wrapper scripts around dump. dump(8) is the way
to go.

I usually do dump -0auf 140822var.dump0 /var for dumping /var in a
file or
dump -0auf - /var |nc -l 11111 on source and
restore -rf - |nc source 11111

for cloning a partition over the network.

> I like the looks of the latter since it seems to allow me to run the
> first part on a live system, to make a copy of that system (can anyone
> confirm that?).   I'd much rather not have to take it down to make the
> image since I don't have to do that when I clone Linux.   And my
> production systems will be happier that way :-)

This will work. I can confirm that. dump can dump from mounted as well
as unmounted filesystems.

> Clonezilla looks to be all-singing-all-dancing, but seems to require
> me to boot from their CD or USB in order to make a copy of my original
> system (can anyone confirm or refute?).  Not a massive issue in my DEV
> rack but not ideal in production.
> In Linux the way I do systems is to boot the target system in Live
> Linux (Ubuntu), and then partition the HD(s) the way I want, and mount
> them up under /mnt/target/ with that being my root.  Then run rsync
> locally to copy the master live system into /mnt/target.  Use a couple
> of options to tell it what not to copy.   Works awesome.   The above
> perl scripts from U Alberta seem to be at least a bit similar to this
> procedure.
> Are there any options I am missing that I should look at?
> Has anyone used the above methods and can comment on how well they
> work or whether or not I should just avoid one or the other?

after restoring / copying the filesystems using dump/restore and fixing
up /etc/fstab on the target system, you'll need to install boot. see


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