with a recent configuration, videos work fine in the browser.
*however* a lot of websites still give you only flash videos.
Or do they ?

There's this nifty extension in chrome to fudge the user-agent 
(called user-agent switcher) where you can play at browsing from
a tablet. Surprise: those video sites work again (in some cases,
you have to fight a bit more, go explicitly to the mobile version
and not let them switch you back to the desktop mode).

It's obvious those guys aren't testing on OpenBSD. It's also obvious
they know how to switch to a non flash version on given user-agents.

So what about a little "mail your favorite website campaign". Figure out
one website where you can't watch videos, and send some kind of email
feedback to them.  Tell them in no uncertain terms that "flash does not
exist on OpenBSD, and if they see OpenBSD in the user-agent, then they
should go to plain h264 videos, which they have".

Offenders include youtube (sometimes, mostly VEVO stuff), wimp.com, facebook.
Probably some others.

I don't think they will notice if I'm the only guy doing that. But if they
get a few pointed emails over the coming weeks, maybe they might fix their
act, and hey, maybe we'll get videos mostly everywhere...

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