> > 2014-10-03 16:09 GMT+02:00  <david...@ling.ohio-state.edu>:
> >> Strangely enough, this doesn't incline me to enable javascript.
> >
> > Why?
> >
> > Don't you trust the store?
> Heh, literally blind trust, eh?
> What store?  You call it a store.  And I did expect it to be a store
> of some kind, since openbsd.org/orders.html links to it as the sole
> source for CDs.
> But the failure to provide minimal contact info, not to mention any
> descriptive content, doesn't inspire confidence.
> Whoever is responsible for it, if they can't be troubled to put up an
> accessible website, then it really doesn't matter whether I employ
> Hanlon's razor or not.  Whether this is a case of malice or
> incompetence, my response is the same.

So easy to be critical.

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