On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Martin Schröder wrote:

> 2014-10-03 16:09 GMT+02:00  <david...@ling.ohio-state.edu>:
>> Strangely enough, this doesn't incline me to enable javascript.
> Why?
> Don't you trust the store?

Heh, literally blind trust, eh?

What store?  You call it a store.  And I did expect it to be a store
of some kind, since openbsd.org/orders.html links to it as the sole
source for CDs.

But the failure to provide minimal contact info, not to mention any
descriptive content, doesn't inspire confidence.

Whoever is responsible for it, if they can't be troubled to put up an
accessible website, then it really doesn't matter whether I employ
Hanlon's razor or not.  Whether this is a case of malice or
incompetence, my response is the same.


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