On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, david...@ling.ohio-state.edu wrote:

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Theo de Raadt wrote:

But instead you brought your complaint to misc.


You have an agenda.

Sure do.  I had reason to distrust the website, as I've explained.

But I have no reason to distrust this listserv.

I'll elaborate a little, in the interest of clarity, and then leave
the thread.

I can't know what interest openbsdeurope has in requiring users to
enable JS to obtain any information from their website.

But it occurred to me that such an interest *could* conceivably
conflict with the interests of the openbsd project, and perhaps some
of its users.

So I shared what I had noticed, with the project and its users here.

In good faith.

Take care.


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