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  I've got a problem with a piece of non-BSD software that I'm running
on my OpenBSD 5.4 system.  I'm not looking to you guys for help with it
at all; I'm working closely with the developers on it.  However, it
turns out that it's not at a stage where it's receiving almost daily
segfaults knocking it out of the active processes.  Strangely enough,
though I'm able to get .core files from many of the related programs
that are along with it, when bad things happen to them, this one
primary daemon won't leave a core file.
  I've checked my ulimits, specifically 'ulimit -u' under the user that
this is running as, and I'm only finding that it's 'unlimited'.  As far
as I know, that means that I _should_ be getting a core file
somewhere.  The process name is 'sbbs', and I've searched (as root) my
entire filesystem, not just the small separate filesystem that this
resides on, doing a general search, grepping for 'core', and then
searching through it for 'sbbs', and I'm not finding the file that I
need anywhere.
  The developers do not have any OpenBSD machines available for work on
this software, but they do want to help.  Getting that stack trace is
the only thing that might get around any issues, at this point, or
point in the right direction for where to go with things.  I know
OpenBSD fairly well, but when it comes to kernel internals and things
along the lines of core debugging and [a lot of the] ulimits, I'm still
somewhat in the dark.
  Can anybody tell me if I'm missing anything obvious, and what I might
be able to do to force a core dump next time this guy segfaults?  I
really need to get my hands on that stack and I'm clueless here.  I use
this package as a fully featured communications hub for myself and
several other users, and short of the kludgy solution of running a cron
script job that checks for the process, verifies its health, and
respawns a new process if necessary every few minutes, I don't know
what to do.  I'd much handle things the right way, and learn a bit more
about my favorite OS along the way.
  Any help is appreciated, feel free to get ahold of me any which way;
telnet to tinfoil.synchro.net if you'd like to see the small text
portion of the system in action.  ;)  All of the other provided
services in the suite are temporarily blocked by the firewall due to my
not having admin privileges on this network.

  -Damon Getsman

- -- 

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the owner of this
corporeal, rotting porksuit, nor its fiat-currency waving handlers.

- -Damo

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