On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Jeff St. George <f...@speednet.com> wrote:

> Its not in my pay grade to offer a technical opinion on Lynx removal!
> But ,,,,,,WHAT r u folks using instead, considering??????

typically when I am setting up a server I have a laptop with me.  the
laptop will either have my pre-planning notes, or if it doesn't have
that, it will be where I record my as-built notes.  either way, at the
end I will have a record on my laptop of all the key information I
would need if I ever have to rebuild that particular server.

since I have my laptop with me anyway, if I need to look at any web
pages during the server install, I use that.  if I really need to fetch
a web page on the server itself, I use ftp (which also supports http).

if it's not a server (i.e. I'm setting up a workstation) then I'll typically
want X and something like Firefox.


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