On 03/26/15 01:40, worik wrote:
> Today I spent $US5 on an ebook containing tutorials for software  I am
> considering using.  By exercising my mouse I could have got it for free.
> I did not.
> So I am bringing this up again.  I do not want CDROMs.  I have been to
> the trouble of paying for one and insisting they do not post it, but it
> was a lot of bother.
> I would pay for a collection of release notes for each new release.
> I support this project and I would like to support Theo directly - as CD
> sales do.
> So once again (at the risk of infuriating idle clowns) I respectfully
> suggest that the project consider such a release beside and as well as

There's a major problem in the world...most people don't understand very
basic economics of running a business.

You are looking at it as $5 for something that costs nothing to
distribute -- so infinite profit margin ($5/$0), how can you go wrong?

Well...  composing such a document takes time.  Let's use the FAQ as an
example.  Well, it's rather short for a book, and realistically, if you
were to be expected to pay MONEY for it, it would have to be pretty
substantially reworked for better quality, better organization.  But
let's pretend that people would spend $5 for a neatened up version of
the FAQ in ebook format.

So, I quit my day job, and spend a month or so rewriting things.  No
major new content, just reorganizing and reworking what is there.
Understand that I love the OpenBSD project, a LOT of my income goes into
OpenBSD related expenses, and I'm glad and honored to do that, but I
really can't just quit getting income for a month without a huge hit to
the bank account.  So I'm going to need some pay.  It doesn't need to
meet my current job's income, but it would be nice if it were close AND
covers lots of taxes and costs that my employer pays.  Not only
that...when I'm done, I'll need to go get another job, as I suspect my
employer will fill my current position, so I'll have to find a job
elsewhere.  So, better add another month of pay to my costs.

Now, divide that cost by $5...can we sell that many copies of something
that can be got for free?  I doubt it.  And that's just to BREAK EVEN,
as if NOTHING ever happened.  To actually make it worth while, we would
have to sell many times that number of copies.

Oh, but wait! not done yet.  Now, we need a way to process $5 payments
fast and efficient enough so that the majority of the $5 actually goes
to the project, not to the time spent processing things.  And when
something goes wrong, customers will expect that someone answer the
phone or at least e-mail in a timely manner.

And every release, we need to do it all over again.

Realistically, the money that we get for this e-document is really just
an act of charity anyway.  Why not just give the project the money, and
not make us jump through hoops that cost lots of money and provide no
benefit to anyone?

Besides, the artwork and stickers in the CD sets are great.  Really.
I've been buying CDs since 2.6, and I look forward to getting every
single one.  And this is from someone who works with the project and
pays the same price everyone else does (and historically, usually got it
AFTER many of you guys are bragging about getting yours).


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